For over a year now, I’ve lived next to a gym and when I say that I mean literally right next to it. It’s only a minute walk. So after some talking with my parents we decided to get a family plan for 2 years. This is really going to be a push for me to do more exercise apart from running.
I went to the gym and was greeted as I was on the treadmills. An employee told me that I would do some cardio sessions, and then some sessions with the machines to figure them out over the span of a week. After I had done this, I knew how to navigate my way around all the work-out machines. I even discovered some gems in the machinery such as on the treadmills and elliptical trainer they have a section where you can play games. I found this image which helps to clearly identify each piece of machinery.
From then it was up to me to determine what I wanted to work on. Was it bulking up? Preparing for a certain sport? My answer was to just remain fit. I don’t want to gain big muscles, or target any specific areas I just want to remain active in an environment that offers me the resources I need to reach my goal.
I went online and did some research for simple exercises that would keep me fit. From then I made a workout routine. With the advice of the trainer I start and end with a 20 minute cardio session to strengthen my heart and get blood flowing. After careful consideration this is the routine I came up with;
- 20 mins cardio warm-up treadmill/ elliptical trainer (cardio)
3 sets
- Leg press 12 reps (targets the quadriceps)
- leg extension 12 reps (targets the quadriceps)
- lat pull down machine 12 reps (targets the latissimus dorsi)
- bicep curl 10 reps (targets the biceps)
- push downs 10 reps (targets the triceps)
- 20 mins cardio cool-down treadmill/ elliptical trainer (cardio)
- Stretches
After I made the routine it was important for me to be able to execute it perfectly so I wouldn’t be hurting myself before adding on weights. So I looked up tutorials on youtube and found this channel which has multiple videos on how to use the machines. These are the videos I consulted;
When in the machine space I can not take in my headphones as a safety precaution but they do play uplifting music to set the pace. When it comes to the cardio sessions I decided it would be a good time to watch series, listen to music as it would distract me from all the agony of raising the incline and speed.
Featured Image Credit: Eloise Golding