Doga's CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC

Jump Rope

In an order to stay fit before football (TAFA) starts I have decided to jump rope regularly. Everyday I jump rope for 10 minutes with a break in between the 5 minute mark. Jumping rope daily has been proved to help improve coordination, increasing stamina and getting rid of fatigue, improving heart health and many more benefits. I believe regularly doing this activity will increase my stamina and help me get in shape before football starts.


Strength and Growth:

This activity will strengthening my already existing skills such as having high stamina but also help me get better at my eye leg/feet coordination. These skills are mandatory for me to improve and regularly practice for football since I am a middle fielder and I need to be able to run for long intervals and be able to dribble the ball efficiently.

Challenge and Skills:

I will try to increase the amount of time I jump rope every other day so that I can push my limits to improve and challenge myself. My ultimate goal is to be able to jump rope for 15 minutes at a regular paste without any breaks. This will improve my feet eye coordination immensely and make my stamina very string/long lasting.


Commitment and perseverance:

In an order for me to achieve my 15 minute jump rope goal and the long term goal of improving my coordination and stamina for football, I will need to bee committed and show perseverance. I will have to jump rope regularly without skipping days. I will also have to show perseverance since I do not know when I can achieve my goal and it will probably take long tine and I will fail many times, but I will have to stay committed and show perseverance.



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