Baila sur la journée de l’ONU! / Baila On UN DAY!

Le 7 octobre, Thevuni et moi avons appris aux enfants de l’école maternelle, grande section la Baila ! Nous avons fait une présentation et raconté aux enfants un peu d’histoire de cette danse, puis nous avons dansé avec eux !

Danser avec les enfants!
(Crédit: Madame Dominik)

Nous avons dansé la danse du poulet et ils ont vraiment apprécié. Ils voulaient que nous dansions plus longtemps mais nous avons dû partir. C’était très amusant et je suis heureuse que nous ayons eu cette opportunité.

Ce que j’ai appris?

  • J’ai compris la difficulté de travailler avec les enfants
  • J’ai développé mon connaissance de cultur Sri Lankaise


On Friday the 7th of October, the last day of school we celebrated UN day. As a part of embracing different cultures, Thevuni and I were tasked with teaching the kindergarten kids, about an integral part of Sri Lankan culture, baila! As our presentations were limited to just 10 minutes, we made a short presentation giving the kids a bit of a background on baila (not too extensive as they wouldn’t understand), we taught them a dance move (the chicken dance!) and then got them to dance to a baila song (Rambari by Lahiru Perera).

Teaching The Kids! (Credit: Huirong)

The kids really enjoyed the dancing session and we could tell that they had a whole lot of fun! Personally, at first I felt a bit nervous, the energy of the kids really helped and even I ended up enjoying myself much more than I initially thought I would. This was a great experience and I’m happy that it is something we managed to do in our last year at school.

What did I learn?

  • I understood the difficulties of working with children
  • I developed my understanding of Sri Lankan culture

Learning outcomes:

Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience: While this idea was suggested by the language teachers, it was us students who had to come up with what we were going to do as well as take control of our session.

Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively: If I had not worked collaboratively with Thevuni on this presentation, I know for sure that I would have been unable to complete it, showing me the benefits of working collaboratively.


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