Over the last couple weeks I have been occupied with a lot of service work outside of our weekly meetings, meeting with designers, making shirts, and creating a school community. With the upcoming SAISA tournament coming to OSC. Our service had to take advantage of this quickly expiring opportunity to sell OSC apparel to the visiting schools. The main goal we had was to sell supporter t-shirts for all OSC fans like parents, students, teachers and rival schools. However before this my supervisor and I attended a meeting after school with the schools head of manufacturing and outside operations as well as graphic designers from outside the school (Figure 1).
We developed ideas and I pledged Gecko Gears plan to firstly, become more sustainable and find producers using the most efficient materials and secondly/mainly, redesign the OSC gecko in two ways. The first idea was to redesign the branded gecko that was just a quick print onto all of the new OSC apparel and secondly, we wanted a fierce mascot as sort of like a badge for the school which was not used as much, but emphasized ferocity while not changing the gecko. However, we did not estimate how hard it would be to make a gecko look fierce. I pushed changes and in the end we were able to finalize two designs that the group was happy with (see figure 2 and 3).
After these ideas were done our service and I started the next big project that same week. We started making our gecko supporter shirts. After contacting the seller over 200 had come back in the mail and it was time to start selling. We divided a schedule where Zoe, Sandeep and I sold on Monday and Thursday. Hadiya and Darya sold on Tuesday and Friday and Adam and Irina sold on Wednesday for a week. I also sold shirts on Tuesday afternoon as there was a pep rally and parents were coming into school. As of today October 2o, 2023 at the end of the first week we had accumulated around 100 sales of shirts to teachers, parents and students in secondary and primary school. With the shirts being a huge success we aim to sell to the visiting schools. Initially, we planned that this would be enough shirts for the year because SAISA students were coming for Girls football in February as well. However, after the sudden success, the printing of more shirts is most likely necessary. Another side job we had was to make bracelets for school spirit as well.