The Hope for Kids cricket carnival this year was the best-attended event our service group had ever organized! I was excited to have the chance to plan, manage, and even participate in the event, even though I had just recently joined the service. The event took place in the school field on January 22. There were many stalls and other service groups taking part in the event raising funds for themselves, for example, we could see services like Gecko Gear and care for Paws taking action during the event selling and raising awareness for their services. There were also Three teams competing in the competition: the Pullers (blue), the Hoikers (red), and the Nudgers (white). Each team played the other three times, with the two best teams moving on to the final. The teams were made up of educators, parents, students, and service providers, and each team had an equal amount of amateur and professional players. I was placed in the Nudgers team. We started with a bad start losing our first game to the Hoikers, making us start on a bad note. We as a team didn’t let our morale fall we stood stronger against the pullers and won the game. As we rested we saw a chance come up the pullers had lost to the Hoikers which meant if we beat the Hoikers, we were in the finals. We beat the Hoikers with flying colors, but this meant nothing to the Hoikers they were still in the final. As the sun went down and the dawn set the final match of the whole event started, we played the Hoikers once again, and after a grueling victory, we were amazed and joyous.
Overall this event was very successful not only did we raise more than 200 hundred thousand rupees, but we also brought the Osc community together making it a really successful event.