Over the last couple of service sessions for housing and habitat we have been planning to make a composting system and are now in the making of creating this. To begin with, me along with a few others (Ansel and Senul) went with Mr. Leblanc to 2 wood shops. In these wood shops we gathered information on the prices for different types of woods (used for building) along with the bamboo. This took up a whole service session as we travelled in his car around our local area and Senul was required to be there as he was the only one who could translate Sinhala for us within our service group. After this upon returning to our next service session we had begun to create designs for what our compost could look like along with what material would best suit this. Eventually we decided upon bamboo as we felt it was cheap and sturdy compared to the other options and we had multiple good ideas already of how we could use the bamboo. After the last service session we came up with our idea and now the bamboo is here and we are ready to build when returning to service today.