The scent of dettol wafts through the air.faces sneaking looks into the hallway. Carols echoed through the corridor Sia’s Candylane softly pulsing in the background.
Christmas is the season of giving. That time of the year every child and adult alike wait in anticipation.Eager to spread the Christmas joy this year our service ‘hope for kids’ organized Christmas presents for the patients at the Maharagama cancer hospital.Although I missed the Christmas shopping I was able to join and help with wrapping the presents.Focusing on being environmentally friendly we decided to use newspapers instead of traditional wrapping paper, using crayons to create colourful patterns .Working collaboratively we were able to have the gifts wrapped and sorted in an hour’s time ready to be taken to the hospital the following week.
The next week after hauling bags bursting with presents, out of the van we walked into the hospital ready to distribute them. Seeing as there was another event taking place at the same time we made the decision to walk to each individual room and hand the gifts over to the kids. Seeing their faces light up as they clasped on to their gifts was so rewarding and really radiated the true spirit of christmas. Overall taking part in this service activity was truly a great experience one, full of joy and hope…
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