Duke of Edinburgh 5 hour class

The Duke of Edinburgh Pre Journey Briefing

At Knuckles posing on a giant rock near the camp. Picture Creds: Ian Lockwood.

The Duke of Edinburg Pre Journey briefing consisted of mainly a shortned version of the last years 8 HOUR Session, that went from 10 am – 6pm. Where this year it was from 12pm- 6pm. A small recap of of the 8 hour session would be, me contemplating death on many occasion becuase I had a high fever and I was pretty sure my kidneys were shutting down :’). Other than that the session was informative and it defiantly imbeded all the knowledge i gained, from map reading, to calculating distances on a map and how to get bearings. Because this years shortened breifing was a breeze for me and many others who participated with me in the last years session. As we knew everything and it what I found particularly enjoyable was when Mr.Lockwood told us ” Let the news kids do the interactive task” and what I took from that was to make the “rookies/ Fresh meat” as you would say to do all the work as I just sat there and watched them confusingly try and figure how to calculate bearings and distances. Only after around 5-10 mins of the news kids trying to figure out then we to help. So even though it was a LONG Session to say the least I still managed to have some fun while i was there.

Overall the Breifing was I’d say that it was much better then last years just because last year instead of going home after the session I was sent to the hospital to get a Ultrasounds to see if I had kidney stones ( I didnt) . So this year was MILES better.

The Class consisted of:

1.Map Orienteering

2. Map calculations such as distances on a map.

3. Getting to know the POIs, and conventional symbols

4. Calculating steps – Km. My average was around 70 steps for 50 meters.

5. Compass skills.


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