© 2023 acoucaud24

WWW- Biking Trip

During Week Without Wall (WWW, 2023) I went to  Pidurangala with a group of 14 people to do a biking trip around the area. Before the trip we had 3 different trials where we biked in Colombo to make sure everyone was able to bike and to take our mark on the bike.

The first day after 4 hours of bus, we did 32 km of biking. It took us 3 hours, it was the first biking day so everyone was happy and it was a funny day.

First day when we got our bikes

The second day we did 47 km it was the longest day of biking, at the beginning everyone were happy to do it but after 30 klm we were tired and we wanted to stop, so that’s what we did we stopped to take the lunch at a lake it was beautiful, after we took our lunch we went back to the camp but first we stopped to a supermarket to buy food because it was my group’s turn to cook ( Zoe, Nayara, Akhil and me) . When we arrived at the camp we took a quick shower and then we started to cook. We made pasta with tomato sauce with fried chicken.

Middle of the 47km tour


stop at the cooking school for the lunch

The third day we went 24 km to a cooking school for lunch. A² beautiful lady showed us how to cook with a coconut. After she showed us how to do it we moved to another little house to eat the lunch (it was spicy). Then when we were done we started cycling again back to the camp, on our way we stopped again for the second cooking group ( Jed, Anais, Alex and Stephie) to buy their food. They made honey chicken, sweet potato fries and fried rice.






cooking group with their food


On the fourth day we biked 41 km. We stopped at Pidurangala for 2 hours to look at the view and to write our reflection of the day. After Pidurangala we went back to camp and on our way we stopped at a shop to buy food for the last group ( Isabella, Ansel, Liam and Arthur). When we arrived at camp Ansel, Mr LeBlanc and I decided to take our bikes and to go on a tour around the camp to find elephants and to do a path that we all liked. Then after our 1 hour tour just before they had to cook Isabella and I went to swim in the river. At the end of the day they cooked and made two types of fried chicken, vegetables and french fries.



Last day of bike next to the canal


On the last day we did 30 km in direction of the bus. We woke up at 6h30 as usually pack our bags and did for the last time the hill to go out of camp. On our way to the bus we followed a canal and the view was beautiful because there were mountains in the background.






On this trip I learnt different skills but not about biking because I had a lot of experience before. I learnt a lot about sociability and being more confident in speaking to a group of people even if my English is not perfect.


(daily itinerary)

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