CAS – Creativity – Art Club

Creativity: Art club

  • My goal for creativity is to build my art skills every week by trying out different types of media taking inspiration from various artists. I want to showcase my creativity and newfound abilities in my notebook and complete 20 pages by the end of the semester.
  •  I want to learn how to brush with different techniques, like van Gogh with little strokes, being really precise in my strokes, or using it for blending. I want to build my brushing whether it be with paint or watercolor
    Week 2 of progress. This piece is a collab between Aniq and me. Our idea was to create a background full of colors and have the Kanye graduation bear face in the middle of it.

This is my first art piece which I made in art club. There are definitely some skills that I intend to continue to develop and blending pastels together is one of them.

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