OSC Girls Rise
At OSC there’s a new program after school called “Girls Rise”. It’s a program where we have guest speakers come and share their empowering stories. It’s a space where girls can empower girls. Our first speaker we had was Tiffany Carothers. She talked to all of us about her story of coming to live in Arugam Bay and her story of how she started a program for the local girls who wanted to learn how to surf, its called “Girls Make Waves”.
Her story was so inspiring, hearing all the struggles she went to and overcame. I think all the girls how came really took something out of that story and really inspired us to keep going and not give up. Once she was done telling her story and done answering all our questions, we went into smaller breakout rooms on zoom and we all shared some stories of our own. It was really nice to hear from others, no matter how small it seemed it was great to hear what people g through and the struggles we all go through all the time.
I think having this group is amazing, its a safe and empowering place to share our stories and learn and help each other. Im excited to hear from more people in the group and to hear from our next guest speaker. I hope others join and find inspiration in everyone else. I hope people take something from this all find people to help empower them in this program!