Anargi’s CAS Journey

Journey of an IB student

COMUN 2021: Finale

For the past four years, participating and leading structure debate after-school activity every Monday and Tuesday for the past four years and applying these skills against other delegates in a mass inter-school competition has been the normality. The adrenaline rush that one feels when lifting their placard and completely breaking down their opposition’s speaker’s list…

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First Virtual Class with RCCI

Over the past couple months, my fellow service leaders and I have been struggling to interact with the students from RCCI as we were under the impression that many did not have access to devices that would allow for a zoom interaction. However, a chance encounter with a parent from RCCI rearranged our preconceptions when…

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Trip to Boy’s Town Ragama

Aside from being service leader for RCCI at school, I have always been involved with personal service projects such as volunteering at Ma Sevana which is a home for teenage mothers who are survivors of sexual assault and interning at Saravodya which is an orphanage for children aged two to eight. Giving back to the…

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